Tuesday, December 13, 2011

constipation causes all kinds of diseases

Constipation is a common disturbance of the digestive tract. In this condition, the bowels do not move regularly, or are not completely emptied when they move. This condition is the chief cause of many diseases as it produces toxins which find their way into the bloodstream and are carried to all parts of the body. Appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract., and cancer are only a few of the diseases in which chronic constipation is an important predisposing factor.Constipation is one of the most common of all digestive disorders and it can affect people of all age groups, from toddlers to the aged. Before you get ahead of yourself keep in mind that our digestive systems function differently and while some people may consider the absence of bowel movements on a single day as constipation, for some regular bowel movements may occur daily. Disruptions or aberrations from your normal routine that cause discomfort should be a cause for attention however. Constipation refers to the inability to pass stools and could involve straining to empty the bowels or the presence of excessively hard stools, causing discomfort and possibly pain. The severity of constipation may vary greatly, but in most cases it is just a temporary phenomenon that will resolve naturally or with some intervention. Recurring bouts of constipation or chronic constipation can however be problematic and be indicative of other problems or a faulty diet. Chronic constipation in children, babies, toddlers and the elderly is not uncommon, and while it should not be neglected this is not a threatening condition if it responds to mild constipation treatments. The symptoms, causes, and treatment for chronic constipation in children would be different from the treatment given to an adult.

Chronic constipation if neglected or simply addressed with short term measures can however cause the development of other complications over a long period of time. Constipation treatment in such a scenario should not simply be directed towards constipation relief but should be aimed at identify and rectifying the underlying cause. Long term chronic constipation when neglected can lead to conditions like fecal impaction, piles or hemorrhoids, anal fissures and fecal incontinence. The occasional bout of constipation should not be cause for worry, but acute constipation should again not be neglected as it could be caused by a serious underlying medical condition.

Constipation treatment is usually very effective and the main causes being dietary and lifestyle factors, simply making the required changes to these areas of your life can help prevent or even cure constipation. Constipation in children may be treated with suppositories, and although constipation relief for babies and children may be achieved with natural remedies or home treatments, they should only be applied upon consultation with your doctor. For mild constipation relief during pregnancy it would be best to avoid using tablets and instead try home treatments like specific foods or even suppositories.

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